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Crystals for Study Support Pack


5 different crystals that supports you whilst you study.


Howlite is a very calming stone. it teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrollable anger. Howlite stills the mind and is excellent for sleep and meditation. It strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge.


Fluorite is an excellent learning aid, it organises and processes information, linking what is already known into what is being learned. It increases concentration, helps to absorb new information and promotes quick thinking.


Tiger's Eye aids in collecting scattered information and makes it a coherent whole. It helps resolving dilemmas and internal conflicts. It's is a great confidence booster and gives the user a sense of courage. This is a great stone to combat shyness and keeps spirits high when faced with difficult challenges.


Sodalite is an excellent stone for the mind. It calms the mind and allows new information to be received. It is great for communicating ideas and knowledge. It is the perfect crystal for helping to improve memory, focus and organisational skills.


Hematite is great at grounding and helping you to come to terms with learning experiences. It stimulates concentration, focus and enhances memory. Great stone for mathematics and technical subjects.


Included is a crystal card, explaining what each crystal is good for. On the back it also explains how to cleanse and programme your crystals to get the best out of them.

All this in a pretty organza bag to keep them safe

Study Support Crystal Healing Pack

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