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These beauiful tumblestones are a mixture of Lepiolite with Pink Tourmaline.


Lepidolite is a calming and uplifting stone that brings serenity. It relieves stress and worry, dispels negativity, stops obsessive thoughts and can help us when we feel despondent. It helps us to calm our mind, forget our concerns for a while, relax, enjoy and take time to smell the roses. Lepidolite is an excellent stone for warding off depression, stabilizing mood swings and treating bi-polar disorder. Lepidolite is also excellent for making changes in our lives, in fact it is sometimes called "The Stone of Transition". It helps to stimulate our intellect. makes us more analytical, helps us to focus on what is truly important to us and speeds up our decision making processes. 


Pink Tourmaline is said to be a stone with aphrodisiac qualities. It brings love to us in this world and gives us the assurance that it is safe to love both someone else and also to love ourselves. It helps us to share physical pleasure and can balance the personality where there is either too much aggression or too much passivity. It helps to energise the sacral Chakra and increases our creativity. It can help to promote single-mindedness but still allow us to be flexible enough to make sure that the goals we have in sight are the correct ones for us. Pink Tourmaline can make us more sociable, charming and outgoing. It helps with clearing emotional pain and old destructive feelings. It promotes a feeling of peace & joy, and because of this, is useful through periods of change in our lives.


Sold individually

Approximate weight 28-38g

Lepidolite with Pink Tourmaline Tumblestones - Healing Crystals

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