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Crystals for Balancing Chakra Pack


10 different crystals that supports and balances your chakras.


Clear Quartz is fantastic for the higher crown chakra, as it is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier. Known as the master healer it harmonises all the chakras.


Amethyst is great for the crown and throat chakra. It balances and connects the physical, mental and emotional bodies and cleanses the chakras.


Lapis Lazuli opens the third eye chakra and balances the throat chakra. This stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It is a powerful thought amplifier and stimulates the higher faculties of the mind bringing objectivity and clarity.


Angelite is good for the throat chakra, as it helps you to speak your truth whatever that my be.


Rose Quartz is the stone for unconditional love and used on the higher heart chakra.


Green Aventurine is a comforter, heart healer and general harmoniser. It is used to cleanse and protect the heart.


Yellow Calcite is an wonderfully positive stone. Working with the solar plexus chakra, this stone immediately lifts our mood and heightens our self-worth and self-esteem. It enhances our physical strength and vitality and promotes quick efficient learning.


Carnelian is used for the sacral chakra which encourages creative energies and how you seek pleasure. It is how you connect with people and the surrounding environment.


Red Jasper stimulates the base chakra and assists rebirthing. It cleans and stabilises the aura. Has good grounding energy.


Obsidian provides a grounding cord to the centre of the earth, place between your feet to keep you grounded, whilst cleansing your chakras.


Also included a crystal card that I have designed, explaining what each crystal is good for. On the back it also explains how to cleanse and programme your crystals to get the best out of them.

All this in a pretty organza bag to keep them safe 


Shape, size and colour of crystals may vary.



Chakra Healing Crystal Pack

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