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Tropic Skincare

I thought I'd share some of the reasons I decided to take on Tropic Skincare.

Their infinite purpose is to help create a healthier, greener and more empowered world.

  • Helping to prevent deforestation across the Amazon Rainforest

  • Supporting the Reef Restoration Foundation to rebuild the coral reef

  • Helping to fund 16 wind turbines to power 20,000 homes across Guatemala

  • Planting trees in Hampshire to create a future forest

  • Carbon Neutral Company

  • Supporting Trussell Trust - Food Banks across the UK

  • Providing primary school education through United World Schools

  • Helping to build schools in Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia and

  • Madagascar Donating money to the Winnie Mabaso Foundation helping vulnerable women & orphaned children

How amazing is that!

Every time you buy from Tropic, you are also helping to create a healthier, greener and more empowered world.

Click the link below to view my Tropic shop full, of all the amazing product

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Tropic Story

This is from the Founder and CEO Susie Ma

“I started Tropic aged fifteen with one goal: to help my mum pay the bills. 

Inspired by my Grandma’s homemade body scrub recipe, I recreated the exotic blend at our kitchen table, before selling it at Greenwich market every weekend. 

What began as a market stall side-hustle, has now blossomed into a multi-award-winning business with millions of customers and over 30,000 five-star reviews. But our principles have never changed. We still use the finest tropical ingredients for real results. We still freshly make every formulation. And we still do good beyond beauty. It’s in our nature.”

Susie Ma, Founder and CEO


Want to keep up to date with what's going on with Tropic, be the first to find out about any offers or new products, then why not join my Facebook group.

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